Features :
Listen Lalitha Sahasranamam audio anytime
Watch lyrics of Lalitha Sahasranamam even while playing audio in background
Access audio even in offline
Description :
Lalita Sahasranama is a text from Brahmanda Purana. It is a sacred text to the Hindu worshippers of the Goddess Lalita Devi, i.e. the Divine Mother or Goddess Durga, in the form, Shakti. Lalitha is the Goddess of bliss, an epithet for Shiva's wife Goddess Parvati. Etymologically, "Lalitha" means "She Who Plays".
The slokas are organized in such a way that Devi is described from "Head to Feet" (Kesadhi Padham). There are basically five works (pancha krtyam). They are creation (srishti), protection (sthiti), destruction (samhAram), hiding (thirOdhAnam) and blessing (anugraham). Devi herself has been described as "pancha krtya parAyanA" in the sloka.
Other Information:
Access Lyrics in your local language from below link:
English : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_en
Hindi : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_hn
Tamil : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_tm
Kannada : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_kn
Telugu : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_te
Características :
Ouça Lalitha Sahasranamam qualquer momento áudio
Assista letras de Lalitha Sahasranamam mesmo quando reproduzir áudio em segundo plano
audio acesso mesmo em off-line
Descrição :
Lalita Sahasranama é um texto de Brahmanda Purana. É um texto sagrado para os devotos hindus da deusa Lalita Devi, ou seja, a Divina Mãe ou Deusa Durga, na forma, Shakti. Lalitha é a deusa da felicidade, um epíteto para a esposa de Shiva deusa Parvati. Etimologicamente, "Lalitha" significa "Ela Quem joga".
Os versos são organizados de tal forma que Devi é descrita a partir de "pés à cabeça" (Kesadhi Padham). Existem basicamente cinco obras (pancha krtyam). Eles são criação (Srishti), proteção (sthiti), destruição (Samharam), escondendo (thirOdhAnam) e bênção (anugraham). Devi si mesma tem sido descrito como "pancha krtya Parayana" na sloka.
Outra informação:
Letras de acesso em seu idioma local do link abaixo:
Inglês: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_en
Hindi: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_hn
Tamil: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_tm
Kannada: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_kn
Telugu: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.malladiinfotech.ls_te
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